Where Halifax
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Where Halifax is the ultimate resource for visitors to Halifax, providing expert advice to help travelers make the most of their stay. Visitors look to Where Halifax for insider recommendations on what to see, where to eat, essential events, shopping experiences, and much more.
Where Halifax is published 10 times a year with a circulation of 30,000 copies from May to September and 14,000 copies from October to April. Find a Where Halifax magazine in most all hotel rooms in HRM, plus at every Visitor Information Centre in Halifax, the Halifax Seaport Farmers’ Market, the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, the Via Rail station and more!
Check out the website at where.ca
On average, Where Halifax readers spend $1,290 per visit and stay in Halifax for 4.6 days.
Readers spend an average of 49 minutes with the magazine and refer to it on an average of 3 times per trip.
Average reader: 46% Male, 54% Female; Average age: 43; Average Household income: $95,244.